3 Key points to consider as a veteran athlete

Competitive sport has been around for ages and there are many research studies available for competitive young adults to make recommendations on how to train, when to rest, how to eat, etc. Unfortunately, […]

Water loading

The concept of water loading is been around for quite some time now. The idea is to first drink a huge amount of water, some athletes drink even more than 10 liters a […]

What not to do when a child is 200g too heavy?

The question of weight cutting in kids is a sensitive issue. My point of view about it is pretty clear: weight cutting is something that should be avoided as much as possible, especially […]

“I have to watch my weight”

“I have to watch my weight.” Every competitive fighter has said this phrase at some point in his career. You add less food on your plate and skip the delicious desserts. If you […]

Cutting weight at young age

Whether one should cut weight or not, is a question I’m asked frequently and everyone has an opinion about it. Recently there was an interesting discussing about weight cutting by children in one […]

Metabolic adaptation how to prevent it

A few weeks ago I received a message asking to write a blog post about metabolic damage (AKA starvation mode). The term “metabolic damage” is a bit misleading and it would be more […]

5 common mistakes when cutting weight

According to a large scale research involving over 800 judo players from all levels, 82% percent of the athletes are engaged in regular weight loss practices. Most of them lose 2 to 5% of […]