3 Key points to consider as a veteran athlete

Competitive sport has been around for ages and there are many research studies available for competitive young adults to make recommendations on how to train, when to rest, how to eat, etc. Unfortunately, […]

IOC consensus statement supplements

Needs and safety A lot of athletes use supplements however they’re not always aware of the exact effects those supplements have and if they really need them in the first place. The term […]

Things you need to know about sports drinks

Sports drinks are very common in the world of sports. Everybody knows that sports drink can prolong intense activity, since it provides the body with the fast to use energy it needs. What […]

5 Cheap nutrition hacks for athletes

There is no question about the importance of good nutrition in improving performance and recovery, but supplementation – let’s admit it – is expensive. Luckily, with a bit of preparation, cheaper ingredients can […]

Honey cake

For the Jewish New Year I decided to write a few words about the tastiest dish in the Rosh Hashana’s menu: Honey cake. For the Jewish people it symbolizes the wish that the […]

Let’s talk about golden scores and nutrition

Today we recover from a whole week of spectacular judo as the World Championships came to an end. I have to say that I like the new rules. Giving an immediate hansoko-make for […]

4 supplements for competition

Today, I share with you some supplements that might help you win a fight. These items can give you a push in the right direction, but can’t replace a good nutrition base. Supplements […]

Get the best out your training

Nutrition around the training has three important pillars: Timing: Timing is important to prevent stomach and intestinal complaints. Hydration: The failure to stay hydrated will have a negative effect on performance. Energy: To […]

Why are protein shakes so popular?

Whey protein shakes are very popular in power sports. While it is important to consume adequate protein to build, maintain and recover muscle tissues, protein requirements can be easily achieved through a normal […]