Honey cake

For the Jewish New Year I decided to write a few words about the tastiest dish in the Rosh Hashana’s menu: Honey cake.

For the Jewish people it symbolizes the wish that the New Year will be as sweet as honey.
Honey cakes are delicious and full of calories, but if you consume them at the right time they do have some benefits.

Honey cakes contain a high amount of simple carbohydrates and therefore will be excellent as an energy source during training and as a recovery meal after. The honey itself is not only tasty, but it is also healthy – it strengthens the immune system, can reduce inflammation and helps the digesting process. If a honey cake is baked at home is won’t contain chemicals or preservatives and will be healthier than an energy bar.

I liked eating the Belgian version of honey cake – peperkoek –when I was cutting weight before a competition. Salt causes liquid retention in the body and disturbs the cut. Most honey cakes are baked without salt and can provide energy for training without damaging the weight.

Have a successful year!