How coffee can help you perform better?

Did you know that caffeine can improve your performance? Caffeine is probably the most used supplement in the world, without people being aware of if benefits. Athletes use caffeine in competition to increase alertness and reaction time.


Amount: 3-6 mg/kg body weight which is equal to about 2 shots of espresso or 1.5 energy shot for a 75kg athlete.
Time: The Caffeine in the blood reaches its peak about an hour after it is consumed. Therefore, drink your espresso about an hour before a fight in a competition, or the most challenging part of the training.


The use of caffeine increases adrenaline, heart rate, and blood pressure. It is found to improve endurance, high intensity and possibly strength-power exercise. It can promote fat oxidation and temporarily increase energy expenditure. Apart from physical advantages, caffeine is also shown to have cognitive advantages like alertness, vigilance and reaction time.


Be careful heavy daily caffeine use can have side effects like insomnia, nervousness, fast heartbeat, irritability, restlessness, and others.


As with any supplement you take, you need to be careful that the product you buy doesn’t contain substances that are prohibited by the anti-doping regulations. Find out more about this topic.


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