Making Weight & Everything Else

Seit 2009 arbeite ich als Trainerin und verbrachte zahlreiche Stunden mit der Recherche über richtige Ernährung für meine AthletInnen. Bisher jedoch konnte ich kein anderes Buch finden, das so komplex das Thema Gewichtmachen und alles, was für KampfsportlerInnen dazugehört, behandelt

– Yvonne Boenisch

There are many nutrition books on the market, yet none examine as fully or as effectively the relationship combative athletes have with nutrition. I
believe Amelie is a pioneer in this field, making a massive contribution to her sport, and to mine.

– Neil Adams

What is the book about?

  • How to improve performance and recovery with food?
  • How to lose and gain weight safely?
  • How to cut weight efficiently in a healthy way?
  • How to choose sports drinks?
  • What to eat during a competition day?
  • What are the right supplements for you?
  • How to plan a healthy diet to support your training?
  • What should young athletes eat?
  • Can they cut weight?

What is the book about?

  • How to improve performance and recovery with food?
  • How to lose and gain weight safely?
  • How to cut weight efficiently in a healthy way?
  • How to choose sports drinks?
  • What to eat during a competition day?
  • What are the right supplements for you?
  • How to plan a healthy diet to support your training?
  • What should young athletes eat?
  • Can they cut weight?
  • Judo
  • Wrestling
  • Jiu-jitsu
  • karate
  • Boxing
  • MMA
  • Taekwondo
  • And more
  • Judo
  • Wrestling
  • Jiu-jitsu
  • karate
  • Boxing
  • MMA
  • Taekwondo
  • And more
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